Who we are

About us

Find out more about our history, values and mission and the people behind Globalance

Our Story

We are pioneers for over 25 years – discover our founding story, Globalance in figures and find out how we live sustainability.

Our values

Find out how we inspire our customers and make things easier for them here.


Globalance is repeatedly recognised by national and international juries for its innovations in the financial market.

Net-Zero Plan

Globalance is committed to aligning its asset management portfolio with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Find out more about the net-zero plan and our targets.

Swiss Climate Scores

As the first Swiss bank, we publish the Swiss Climate Scores for all the assets we manage.

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Globalance is one of the first founding signatories of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking (UNPRB).

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Benefit Corporation

Globalance is recognised as a Certified Benefit Corporation (Certified B Corp) since 2015.

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We are passionate about the needs of our customers and are committed to a positive future.


Become part of the Globalance success story and help shape the world of tomorrow with our team.