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Peter Zollinger Short Interview
Peter Zollinger is Head of Impact Research at Globalance. In this interview, he talks about his path to sustainability and how to improve your personal footprint.
What made you decide to specialise in sustainability as a career?
After an internship at a chemical company in Hong Kong, I knew: I’m going to use my entrepreneurial toolbox for a responsible economy.
What are the main criteria you use to evaluate a company?
We assess whether a company’s top-selling products and services add positive value to the economy, society and the environment or do more harm than good.
What surprised you in 2020 in terms of sustainability?
That COVID-19 quite naturally led to system breaks (downs) worldwide that would never have been possible under normal circumstances. Keywords: stop of international travel, government aid packages or consumption of raw materials. I was not surprised, however, that in such a crisis, once again, the weakest suffer the most and the fastest. Keywords: people without permanent jobs, workers in developing countries.
What makes Globalance different?
Our mission and our culture are coherent. All our partners benefit from this authenticity and consistency, which cannot be copied.
What is your advice for improving your own personal footprint?
A Swiss family has three main paths to do this: First: switch their house or apartment completely to renewable energy. Second: less “fossil” mobility, i.e. less flying or driving. Third: make their diet more environmentally conscious. Fourth: invest the available financial assets in a sustainable way.
How do you recharge your batteries?
Early in the morning with the rowing boat on the lake, in the company of herons and swans.
Peter Zollinger
Head of Impact Research
Peter Zollinger is responsible for research at Globalance and evaluates suitable investments with a positive footprint together with the investment team.