Awards & Auszeichnungen
University of Zurich

University of Zurich publishes new assessment of 15 European Banks. Globalance is one of only two private banks with highest marks.
The University of Zurich published a new assessment of 15 European private banks. Globalance is one of only two private banks receiving highest marks and an offering truly relevant for clients: An integral, thought-through investment approach with significant positive impact..
The Institute of Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth (CSP) of the university Zurich assessed the sustainable investing capabilities of 15 European private banks.
The formula for success
Globalance is 100% specialised to invest in assets that help master the great challenges of our time and foster a positive impact on economy, society and environment. Our employees are themselves invested in the bank. Globalance is run personally by its founders and owners. As entrepreneurs we’re investing our own money jointly with our customers.
This profound, independent assessment re-confirms the good choice of the fast-growing community of customers. The study can also serve as a good guide for all investors who look for an independent and future oriented alternative to the established traditional market-players.